Design of the Family Business Governance System: FBGS
Through an innovative and effective consulting process we achieve three main objectives:
- Align the vision of the members of the business family considering the personal interests of its members versus the business interests of the family and the business, with the aim of defining the common strategic projection as a business family.
- Consensus and enhance the personal, organizational and patrimonial leadership of the business family based on the design of a professional system of government and management, taking into account the economic reality of the company and the talent of the business family.
- Regulate family culture through the identification of dysfunctional behaviors, awareness of the impact of these on the development and growth of family businesses, as well as the application of tools and techniques to properly guide such behaviors.
This consultancy process is carried out through individual, group sessions and workshops that allow the business family to be brought closer to a dynamic of government and professional management, obtaining as a result of this teamwork, the design of an SGFE that helps to generate confidence and commitment of the business family, as well as laying the foundations for the beginning of the professionalization process.
Implementation of the Governance and Management System: GMS
This consultancy seeks to establish in the company a System of Governance and Management, focused on achieving the following objectives:
- Implement a process of professional decision making and objectives at the level of governance and management based on learning and training of good organizational practices, with the aim of improving performance as teamwork.
- Define and implement management and planning policies, as well as control and supervision tools at the different organizational levels.
- Find effective solutions to the conflict of interests that may arise between owners, directors and / or family executives or not, in order to generate the right context for the development of the business or business family in their businesses.
In this consulting process, work is mainly carried out through face-to-face guidance and counseling in board and executive committee sessions, in which the Dvalor team plays a role of mediator, coach and advisor in the different agenda topics, in search of order , structure and discipline in the processes of direction, planning, execution, supervision and control of the company. In some cases it is necessary to hold individual meetings to achieve the objectives described above.
Design of Business Strategy: DEE
We accompany senior management in the exercise of their management function, in order to collaborate in the process of Strategic Planning and execution thereof to achieve the following objectives:
- Define strategies for growth, productivity and value proposition focused on achieving greater profitability and customer satisfaction.
- Determine indicators, goals, responsible and deadlines for the execution of strategies and objectives.
- Implementation of the execution of the business strategy using the GGS, in order to evaluate the performance of the processes related to the strategies and objectives.
This consultancy process is worked through workshops with the directors and main executives of the company based on a set of structured tools that allow the optimal development of the strategic planning process.